
Project call 2010 ANR

Programme ARPEGE

Project name


French title: Support d’exécution temps réel avec stratégies d’ordonnancement pour systèmes embarqués multicœur avec contraintes thermiques

English title: Real-Time Executive Support with Scheduling Policies for Thermally-Constrained Multicore Embedded Systems.
Type of research: industrial Research

Project duration: 42 months (from December 1st 2010)


The RESPECTED project addresses the issue of implementation of real-time systems on multi-core architectures. It lies in the field of real-time embedded systems with hard constraints. The intended application domain is automotive embedded computers. This area is critical because of the many constraints it brings such as AUTOSAR standard, operating conditions, reliability of circuits... The advent of multicore architectures in components such as microcontrollers offer new perspectives: significant increase processing power and obvious economic interest as it opens the way for reducing the number of embedded computers. However, it also brings many scientific problems.
The project proposes to conduct a series of works covering the theory of real-time multiprocessor scheduling to the operating system that implements such real-time algorithms. Schematically we propose:

- Selection and adaptation of scheduling algorithms following the partitioned and global approaches with efficiency as the primary criterion for implementation ;
- From the fundamental algorithms, taking into account new requirements such as thermal control aspects of the processors (control cycles of heating for this not degrade the reliability of components) and efficient sharing of resources in multicore environment (using transactional memory mechanisms to avoid the low efficiency of spin-locks);la Implementation of simulators for the analysis of algorithm performance and the validation of applications using them ;
- Support the realization of real-time operating system taking into account these algorithms as well as all services related to the management of multi-core architectures.

The resulting software products (simulators, real-time operating system) will be extensions of already existing products and made available to the community as free software by partners.


Real-time, operating systems, multiprocessor scheduling, schedulability analysis, thermal constraints, shared resources.


Tel : (33) 2 40 37 69 71